About Us

educational software

educational erp software india

Part of Sidekick Digital Solutions, Vyomiq is a product of relentless hard work and a vision for revolutionizing the education landscape.

About Vyomiq

We provide elegant administration solutions

We are Sidekick Digital Solutions, a team of passionate engineers and designers who are dedicated to providing modern solutions for schools in India. Vyomiq is a cloud-based school management software that helps schools enhance their productivity with the student information system.

  • Automate Manual Administrative Tasks
  • Improve Communication
  • Collaboration Between All Stakeholders
  • Track Student Performance
  • Adhoc Reports That Help Decision Making

Why Choose Vyomiq?

Vyomiq is a powerful and easy-to-use software that offers a wide range of features. Some of the benefits of using Vyomiq include:


Increased efficiency in school management


Increased visibility of student performance


Reduced costs

Our Innovative platform That Revolutionizes School Management.

We are committed to developing innovative school software solutions that can help schools achieve their goals.

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Year We were Established
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Sole goal to revolutionize education


Vyomiq is designed to be easy to use for schools of all sizes. The software has a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive help section for student information system. There is also a team of support professionals available to help schools get started with Vyomiq.

To get started with Vyomiq, schools can simply visit the Vyomiq website and click on the get started button to reach one of our representatives.

Yes, we offer a variety of training and support services to help schools get the most out of Vyomiq. These services include free onboarding, online courses, live webinars, and in-person training.

We provide prior intimation to schools before any software updates or new feature releases. The updates are rolled out without the servers going down, and detailed documentation is made available. These updates go through rigorous quality testing, so schools can be assured that the software remains bug-free despite the updates being rolled out.

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